【国名】圭亚那合作共和国(以下简称圭),英文The Cooperative Republic of Guyana。
【国旗】金色箭头旗(The Golden Arrowhead),由美国国旗设计师惠特尼·史密斯1966年圭独立时为圭设计。
印第安酋长头饰表示美洲印第安人是圭亚那的土著居民;头饰两边的两颗钻石象征圭矿产工业;头盔是英国君主制的标志;盾牌象征捍卫国家,饰以国花王莲和国鸟麝雉,三条蓝色波线代表圭三条大河,即埃塞奎博、德默拉拉和伯比斯河;两只国兽美洲虎保护国徽,一只持铁镐,另一只持甘蔗和水稻,代表矿产开发和圭亚那两大主要农业产业-蔗糖和稻米;红白两色饰带用英文书写圭亚那箴言:“一个民族,一个国家,一种命运”(One People, One Nation, One Destiny)。
【国歌】《亲爱的圭亚那土地》(Dear Land of Guyana)卢克尔(A.L.Louker)作词,波特尔(R.C.G.Potter)作曲。
Dear LandofGuyana
DearlandofGuyana, of rivers and plains
Made rich by the sunshine, and lush by the rains,
Set gem-like and fair between mountains and sea -
Your children salute you, dear land of the free.
Green land ofGuyana, our heroes of yore
Both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on your shore;
This soil so they hallowed, and from them are we,
All sons of one mother,Guyanathe free.
GreatlandofGuyana, diverse though our strains,
We are born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains,
And ours is the glory their eyes did not see -
One land of six peoples, united and free.
Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give
Our homage, our service, each day that we live;
God guard you, great Mother, and make us to be
More worthy our heritage - land of the free.
英文:I pledge myself to honour always the Flag of Guyana, and to be loyal to my country, to be
obedient to the laws of Guyana, to love my fellow citizens, and to dedicate my energies towards the
happiness and prosperity of Guyana.
【国花】王莲。学名:The Victoria Regia,南美热带特产,多年生巨大水生睡莲,生于1-2米深河池,叶大,在水面开展,每株不多于5叶;花大,最大直径25-30厘米,初开色白味香甜,次日全展呈蔷薇红色,第三日开始凋谢。
【国兽】美洲虎。学名:The Jaguar (Felis Onca),身长1.7-2.7米,体重100-160公斤。分布区域北至美国得克萨斯,南至南美巴拉圭,但分布区北部为数极少。最具攻击性的猫科动物,南美大陆第二大哺乳动物。比起豹或美洲狮来,有较大的头、较重的身体、较为短粗的四肢,毛色棕黄或米黄,有许多黑斑,每个斑点外均有一圈不规则的黑圈。
【国鸟】麝雉。学名:The Canje Pheasant (Hoatzin),南美雨林珍稀鸟类,在圭伯比斯地区十分普遍。体长55-65厘米,体重不超过1公斤,喙短,长有漂亮羽冠,背羽呈红棕间绿色,下覆绒毛呈淡棕色,颈根和翅部羽毛间以奶白色,眼睛绯红,眼周皮肤呈灰蓝色。